10 January 2023 (Tuesday)- School Of Materials And Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia second year students visit FYS.This is Student Industry Community Activities by USM collaborate together with FYS. The first badge was in 2018, followed by 2019. Temporary stop in 2020, 2021. Resume in 2022 then 2023.

One hour presentation and 25 minutes quarry Educational Video shared about

1. Why Quarrying?

2. Civilization begins with quarry.

3. Contribution of quarry industry to society and country development

4. Challenges of quarry industry

5. FYS Best Practices 3 Levels of ESP. ESP Level-1 Environment, Safety, ProductivityESP Level-2 Educational, Social (CSR), PeopleESP Level-3 Extra ordinary, Standardization, Professionalism

6. Sustainable Development of quarrying

7. Balancing between environment and development

8. Be responsible quarry operator9. How to apply Manufacturing System in quarrying

10. Promote Quarry Tourism to shine quarry industry

FYS believes after this visit, they had better understanding about the importance of quarry and feel proud to be a professional quarryman and quarry woman.Now everyone can visit FYS quarry Let’s SHINE quarry Industry together.